Aerobatic Training - From Refresher flights to EASA compliant Aerobatic rating
The best address for UPRT (Upset Prevention Recovery Training) and Aerobatic Rating Training.
This is our promise to you:
UPRT: We provide personal and complete training for whichever level of aviation you're in or for whatever level you're working towards. You will leave better equipped to understand, recognise and prevent an aircraft upset. You will have the requisite skills and confidence to recovery from an upset or loss of control event and recover the aircraft to safe flight. Most important you will have experienced and mastered all the physiological and psychological effects and reactions, that when experienced for the first time, often prevent a pilot from acting correctly.
Aerobatic rating training: We will give you personal and complete aerobatic training in order to attain an aerobatic rating. You will benefit from more than 30 years of experience and will be a safer and more professional pilot with the correct attitude, knowledge and skills in order to confidently explore and enjoy the world of aerobatics.